Sunday, November 8, 2015


Questioning While Reading

Thin vs. Thick Questions 

Good readers are always thinking of questions as they read.  Questions help us check our understanding, make connections, wonder, and read on to discover answers.  

Some questions are easily connected to a correct answer, often right in the text.  Those are called "thin" questions.  

Some questions require us to interpret, or think more deeply.  They require us to think beyond on the text, and they may have more than one possible answer.  These are called "thick" questions.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Independent Reading Books

What is your independent reading book?

Please open your notebook to your reading list of books you have read.  

Fill in any books you have read, even if you did not finish...remember it is ok to abandon a book.

I will be checking to see if you are choosing books that are appropriate for you at your level.

Type in book title and Lexcile